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Tag - ollie
Quotes Tagged With :ollie
Girdhar Joshi
The literature hardly helps. You remember it only when you are well, healthy, and in a positive state....
Ashok Kallarakkal
Beauty lies in the LIES of the beholder!
Charles de Leusse
The champions of liberty have the medal for any necklace. (Les champions de la liberte - Ont la médaille....
J.B. Morgan
What is your job?” “Now that’s classified information, ma’am. If I tell you, I may have to kiss....
J.D. Means
Everything is inspiration. If you look at the world as the incredible place it is, then each moment is....
Anthony T. Hincks
Candy always tastes better when the expectations are high.
J.B. Morgan
With books, you can have as many boyfriends as you want, and no one gets upset, jealous or calls you....
Michelle Stacey
As Mollie said to Dailey in the 1890s: "I am told that there are five other Mollie Fanchers, who together,....
Friedrich Nietzsche
Alas, where in the world have there been greater follies than with the compassionate?And what in the....
Aniruddha Sastikar
The wise will hide your follies and help you learn, but the wicked ones will gossip about it with scoundrels.....
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