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Jeffrey Fry
What a poor life I have had if I am only remembered for the amount of money I made.
Victor Papanek
The only important thing about design is how it relates to people.
Alanis Morissette
Only traumatised people want to be famous.
Magan Vernon
Sometimes people are just misunderstood. People and animals. We can’t just assume they are thinking....
Marianne Moore
You do not seem to realize that beauty is a liability ratherthanan asset - that in view of the fact that....
George Orwell
Happiness can exist only in acceptance.
Anthony T. Hincks
The only disability that I have, is that I'm human.
Jeanette Winterson
I thought no one was talking to me and the others thought I wasn't talking to them.
Francis Parker Yockey
Pessimism only describes an attitude, and not facts, and hence is entirely subjective.
Ashim Shanker
His hatred for all was so intense that it should extinguish the very love from which it was conceived.....
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