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Tag - opened
Quotes Tagged With :opened
J.R. Rim
What happens when you shut your eyes? The images you have been accustomed to look at suddenly disappear.....
Nabil N. Jamal
A key that opens many locks is worth buying. A lock that can be opened with many keys isn't.
Sunday Adelaja
Every time the Lord grants you His mercy and favor, doors will be opened for you.
Khang Kijarro Nguyen
If the present is left unopened,now, it is closed.
Suzy Kassem
They say that wisdom is a dying flower, and I disagree. In a world covered in mud, the lotus still continues....
J.R. Ward
A book unopened alters not the ink on its pages. What is there is there.
Sunday Adelaja
The path leading to stability is always opened to the sons of God
Jeffrey Fry
Often doors of opportunity are opened, but few opt to walk through them.
James Dobson
The idea that Love Must Be Tough dictates that we be willing to set another person free- even if it causes....
James C. Dobson
Therefore, a search for God's will should begin on your knees. He will meet you there. Remember that....
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