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Tag - oracle
Quotes Tagged With :oracle
Frank Herbert
The people who demand that the oracle predict for them really want to know next year’s price on whalefur....
Amanda Bouchet
I want you. I need you. For as many hours as possible, I don't want to think about anything but you.
Delia J. Colvin
Every time I complete a major project I reward myself with two full days of just reading and coffee!....
Amanda Bouchet
I don’t know why it’s not universally acknowledged that looking back is a terrible idea. It only....
Amy Leach
Why should conversation always be so much more coherent than experience?
Fritz Leiber
At that instant the hag's noisy breathing stopped and with it all other sound. Her eyes opened, showing....
John Twelve Hawks
Many physicists these days sound like the Delphic oracle - with equations.
Anthon St. Maarten
Being the soothsayer of the tribe is a dirty job, but someone has to do it.
D.J. Niko
Humanity is defined by its struggles, not doomed by them. It is in the way we endure those struggles....
Rick Riordan
To call the place an anthill would be like calling the Versailles Palace a single-family home. Earthen....
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