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Tag - organizational
Quotes Tagged With :organizational
Ashish Patel
Give today to get better tomorrow.
Chris Trimble
It is not. The aspiring leader has been set up to fail. He just doesn't recognize it yet. The first few....
Sameh Elsayed
When she tells you her problems she is not moaning, she trusts you.
Heather Simmons
Truth be told, nobody thought Dell’s direct business model would work, at least back in the early 90s.....
Heather Simmons
Knowing that an asteroid is going to hit the earth is not really useful if you are not planning to launch....
Assegid Habtewold
Long ago, I stopped buying- let alone reading, books that talk about organizational success but fail....
Stewart Liff
Imagine an organization where the physical plant honors the mission, celebrates the employees, shares....
As you try to balance between the socialist and capitalist systems in the world, you will come up against....
Ken Jennings
Getting your ego out of the way has an even deeper organizational impact.
Eraldo Banovac
Do you want to resolve a conflict successfully? Don't wait, start a conversation.
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