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Tag - orientalism
Quotes Tagged With :orientalism
Edward Said
human societies, at least the more advanced cultures, have rarely offered the individual anything but....
Julius Evola
But, the true reason for the success of such new expositions [translated Eastern religious texts] is....
Simon S. Tam
I believe that reappropriation can be a powerful tool for creating social change. Sometimes, things like....
Jean Lorrain
At this point, the sequence of my memories is disrupted.I sank into a chaos of brief, incoherent and....
Amy Mowafi
I got a call froma cynical young American journalist...You know the sort. He's lived in the Middle East....
Edward Said
Knowledge means rising above immediacy, beyond self, into the foreign and distant. The object of such....
Peter A. Lorge
... the very appearance of the word ‘‘oriental’’ as a serious geographic or cultural term triggers....
Celeste Ng
Ed Lim’s daughter, Monique, was a junior now, but as she’d grown up, he and his wife had noted with....
Edward Said
The Orient and Islam have a kind of extrareal, phenomenologically reduced status that puts them out of....
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