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Tag - origins
Quotes Tagged With :origins
Addy Pross
... despite the profound advances in molecular biology oer the past half-century, we still do not understand....
Saul Bellow
What this means is not a single Tower of Babel plotted in common, but hundreds of thousands of separate....
Salman Rushdie
Symbolic value of the pickling process: all the six hundred million eggs which gave birth to the population....
Muhammad Iqbal
Khird-Mandon Se Kya Puchon Ke Meri Ibtida Kya HaiKe Main Iss Fikar Mein Rehta Hun, Meri Intiha Kya HaiWhat....
Benjamin Franklin
A Swedish minister having assembled the chiefs of the Susquehanna Indians, made a sermon to them, acquainting....
Mitch Albom
I [Music] was born in the open air, in the breaks of waves and the whistling of sandstorms, the hoots....
Will Advise
All Authors come from the unified countrynent known as Australia. Authors live in the future where love....
Jacob Bronowski
Fifty years from now if an understanding of man's origins, his evolution, his history, his progress is....
Eliezer Yudkowsky
Ending up with that gigantic outsized brain must have taken some sort of runaway evolutionary process,....
V.S. Ramachandran
Yet as human beings we have to accept-with humility-that the question of ultimate origins will always....
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