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Tag - othering
Quotes Tagged With :othering
Gloria Furman
Mothering or nurturing is not just a calling for women who have biological or adopted children. Mothering....
Rebecca Solnit
When my friends began to have babies and I came to comprehend the heroic labor it takes to keep one alive,....
Peggy O'Mara
Don't stand unmoving outside the door of a crying baby whose only desire is to touch you. Go to your....
Ada Palmer
It doesn’t take a declaration, or an invasion, to start a war, all it takes is an ‘us’ and a ‘them.’....
Galit Breen
As parents we're meant to help each other out and build each other up.
Shonda Rhimes
Look, they're wearing light blue gauzy frozen superhero capes because I have told them that Anna is a....
Pamela Erens
Her mother’s quiet disapproval and withdrawal was a death in itself, and Franckline’s despair at....
Miya Yamanouchi
Mothering your man is not sexy for you or for him. If you want your man to "start being a man", start....
Margaret Atwood
Have I been conditioned to believe that if I am not solicitous, if I am not forthcoming, if I am not....
Bob Thurber
Over the years our mother has beaten us with belts, shoes, rulers, extension cords, hair brushes, a wooden....
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