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Tag - outrage
Quotes Tagged With :outrage
Shannon L. Alder
The most confused you will ever get is when you try to convince your heart and spirit of something your....
François Fénelon
Those who correct others should watch for the Holy Spirit to go ahead of them and touch a person's heart.....
Alfred Hayes
I made spasmodic efforts to work, assuring myself that once I began working I would forget her. The difficulty....
Criss Jami
They call good evil and evil good. There are those who are so easily offended that they lose their ability....
Pierre Charron
All Religions have this in common, that they are an outrage to common sense for they are pieced together....
Andrew Solomon
It is important not to suppress your feelings altogether when you are depressed. It is equally important....
Stephen J. Day
Please stop shaking your rain water in my direction. What next? Are you going to come over here, cock....
Maureen Brady
The bridge out of shame is outrage. Suddenly the obvious becomes stunningly clear—we have been carrying....
John Sandford
Everything we're doing is freakin' iffy. That's what makes it so much fun.
Dwayne Morris
Many people equate what they do with what they hope they are. They want to identify with Christianity....
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