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Tag - paganism
Quotes Tagged With :paganism
Cliff James
Olympus is still a patriarchy. Zeus heads his royal household as jealously as Jehovah rules his harem....
Alberto Caeiro
Water’s water and that’s why it’s beautiful.
Alberto Caeiro
I was born subject like others to errors and defects,But never to the error of wanting to understand....
Alberto Caeiro
Other times when I hear the wind blowI feel that just hearing the wind blow makes it worth being born.....
John Halstead
The heron must be used to people, and yet it never lets you get too close. Draw parallel to it with the....
Alberto Caeiro
It’s stranger than every strangenessAnd the dreams of all the poetsAnd the thoughts of all the philosophers,That....
The ultimate truth is mystical truth, the ultimate reality is sacred chaos. - Muzwot
Alberto Caeiro
Night doesn’t fall for my eyesBut my idea of the night is that it falls for my eyes.Beyond my thinking....
John Halstead
My gods are not tame. They do not always come when they are called.This is not a failure of ritual or....
John Stuart Mill
Christian morality (so called) has all the characters of a reaction; it is, in great part, a protest....
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