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Tag - parenthood
Quotes Tagged With :parenthood
H. Kirk Rainer
Contentment sounds ideal; and ignorance is bliss! But what remains of truth, justice and liberty? Why....
David Nicholls
He had always imagined that some sort of emotional mental equipment was meant to arrive, when he was....
Michael Gerson
Parenthood offers many lessons in patience and sacrifice. But ultimately, it is a lesson in humility.....
Tanya Masse
It’s certainly TOUGH being AWESOME all the time, but I do it so the kids have someone to look up to!....
H.W. Brands
The very lack of explicit pressure was itself a compelling force, for it created a world in which the....
James Lee Burke
I looked at Lucas with the pang that a parent feels when he knows his child will be hurt and that it's....
Matt Chandler
The speaker says one of the blessings of the family of God is that the enthusiasm of children influences....
Friedrich Nietzsche
When one has not had a good father one must create one.
Nikki Rowe
It takes a tremendous amount of strength to be a single mother. To hold down the forte of a home, a life....
John Holt
People should be free to find or make for themselves the kinds of educational experiences they want their....
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