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Tag - patents
Quotes Tagged With :patents
Kalyan C. Kankanala
You can derive value from the Indian patent system, provided you know how it works. Stop cribbing about....
Kalyan C. Kankanala
Grant is the beginning of the Patent Game, not its end.
Kalyan C. Kankanala
Patent Law cannot afford to sit and watch while technology advancement changes its dynamics
Kalyan C. Kankanala
Patents stand for you when everything else is lost
Kalyan C. Kankanala
A Patent is a Grant, but Inventorship is a Right
Kalyan C. Kankanala
Patents are not forever, but inventions are
Kalyan C. Kankanala
To achieve patent commercialization success, every inventor must think like a business man
Kalyan C. Kankanala
Patents need inventors more than inventors need patents
Kalyan C. Kankanala
Inventions cannot be judged on patent parameters, but patents have the ability to take inventions very....
Kalyan C. Kankanala
Patent Validity is a figment of legal interpretation, it can be contested, reversed and cancelled any....
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