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Tag - pattern
Quotes Tagged With :pattern
Tony Hillerman
From where we stand the rain seems random. If we could stand somewhere else, we would see the order in....
Negative thoughts and beliefs absolutely don't belong in that amazing beautiful mind of yours.
Fritjof Capra
Patterns cannot be weighed or measured. Patterns must be mapped.
Lauren Beukes
There are patterns because we try to find them. A desperate attempt at order because we can't face the....
John Verndon
The patterns we perceive are determined by the stories we want to believe.
Sunday Adelaja
Our subconscious mind stores all our negative beliefs, complexes and behavioral patterns
Emily St. John Mandel
He placed a pinch of snow on his tongue and thought of making snow ice cream with Frank and their mother....
Joel M. McMains
Repetitive, forceful corrections had taught this gentle dog that at a specific spot the handler would....
Chuck Palahniuk
What we call chaos is just patterns we haven’t recognized. What we call random is just patterns we....
Dean Koontz
If patterns exist in our seemingly patternless lives — and they do — then the law of harmony insists....
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