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Tag - pee
Quotes Tagged With :pee
Stan Slap
Providing the ultimate solution to work/life balance: not escaping from work but living the way you want....
C.S. Woolley
I am beginning to worry that my speech is becoming a rather incomprehensible mixture of a Victorian woman,....
Criss Jami
Good friends will allow you to be as innocent and free as a child when in private, and as wise and mature....
Ramana Pemmaraju
Words represent your emotional state, beware of what you speak! Restore your mental balance.
Thomas Carlyle
Under all speech that is good for anything there lies a silence that is better.
Sunday Adelaja
Fear makes people speechless
Billy Graham
We insult God by speaking to Him with our lips while our hearts are far from Him.
Irony is Fate's most common figure of speech.
Stan Slap
This is your one and only precious life. Somebody’s going to decide how it’s going to be lived and....
Stan Slap
The economy is in ruins! Bottom line? Good management will defeat a bad economy.
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