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Tag - perpetual
Quotes Tagged With :perpetual
Dexter Palmer
Like most modern people, we no longer bothered to make the distinction between events in real life and....
Dave Zebian
You are a cosmic traveler; your body is temporary, but its essence is eternal...
Dexter Palmer
It is time to put down the pen; time to clear the throat. Speaking is a different thing altogether from....
Kamand Kojouri
Sit here, so I may writeyou into a poem and make you eternal.
Dexter Palmer
In fact, although I am not aware of it (and I am never aware of it, no matter how many times I have the....
Dexter Palmer
It is like reading two books, one with each eye, and understanding them both.
Dexter Palmer
The machines of this place are failing, and the woman and I are here all alone. The perpetual motion....
Dexter Palmer
The palimpsests of molecules need not be overwritten, for machines make once-ephemeral words persist:....
Carlos Ruiz Zafón
I guessed she must be, at most, twenty, but there was something about her manner that made me think she....
Colin Powell
Perpetual optimism is a force multiplier.
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