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Tag - petunia
Quotes Tagged With :petunia
Jessica Day George
She [Pansy] pushed in next to Poppy so that she could see him around the guard's elbow. She was as tall....
Jessica Day George
Pansy rolled over and went to sleep, but Petunia stayed awake long after Olga left, and long after Oliver....
J.K. Rowling
Apparently wizards poke their noses in everywhere!
Jessica Day George
Shaking herself, Petunia looked around. Several of her sisters had been talking to her, but she hadn't....
Jessica Day George
I want to help you," Oliver said."Why?" Galen looked up at him. "Because of Petunia?" Oliver was relieved....
Jessica Day George
Sire," Oliver said as he helped Petunia to her feet, "I'd like to marry Petunia. "Of course you would,"....
Jessica Day George
[Lily] "Petunia's hair is too curly to braid," She said conversationally. Oliver wasn't sure why, but....
Jessica Day George
He dug his heels into his horse's flanks and sped down the path. He heard the others call out behind....
Jessica Day George
Both princesses immediately looked wary, exchanging glances. "Warn us of what?" Petunia asked. She studied....
Jessica Day George
We're almost there, Oliver said. Once again Petunia was so startled that she tripped and would have fallen....
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