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Tag - philosopy
Quotes Tagged With :philosopy
Theodor W. Adorno
On the way from mythology to logistics thought has lost the element of self-reflection and today machinery....
Michel Foucault
The truth is quite the contrary: the author is not an indefinite source of significations which fill....
Gabriel Hemery
A verse from a short poem - 'Philosophy is Forestry's Child' - in my Foreword:Ask not which came first,....
Reid A. Ashbaucher
Wisdom plus knowledge equals understanding.
Zeena Schreck
The Gnostic’s passionate adoration of Sophia was known as philosophia – the love of Sophia – a....
Edna Stewart
Carpe DiemBy Edna StewartShakespeare, Robert Frost, Walt Whitman did it, why can't I?The words of Horace,....
Michel Foucault
As a result, we must entirely reverse the traditional idea of the author. We are accustomed, as we have....
Michel Foucault
Texts, books, and discourses really began to have authors (other than mythical, “sacralized” and....
A.E. Samaan
The idea economy is a conversation. Try to channel or control that conversation and you will stop the....
Steve Keen
...If you look at mainstream economics there are three things you will not find in a mainstream economic....
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