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Tag - pilgrimage
Quotes Tagged With :pilgrimage
Frédéric Gros
When walking in this mode we discover the immense vigour of starry night skies, elemental energies, and....
Frédéric Gros
Think while walking, walk while thinking, and let writing be but the light pause, as the body on a walk....
Frédéric Gros
You lift your head, you’re on your way, but really just to be walking, to be out of doors. That’s....
Frédéric Gros
In the history of walking, many experts considering him (Wordsworth) the authentic originator of the....
Frédéric Gros
None of your knowledge, your reading, your connections will be of any use here: two legs suffice, and....
Siegfried Sassoon
All this, I suspect, has been little more than the operation known as the pilgrimage from the cradle....
Banani Ray
Life is a pilgrimage. Each moment is to be lived in depth, because each moment contains God, hidden within....
Michael Meade
One of the open secrets of life on earth is that the answer to life’s burning question has been inscribed....
Frédéric Gros
the joy of walking and feeling the body advancing ‘like a man alone’; the fullness of feeling alive.....
Abraham Joshua Heschel
Faith is not the clinging to a shrine but an endless pilgrimage of the heart.
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