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Tag - poetess
Quotes Tagged With :poetess
Mie Hansson
I wore you on me at all timesLike I now carry my pen.Unlike your own opinion myBelongings must have a....
Emily H. Sturgill
I hide myself behind, a cloud of smoke; the smoke screen varies, dependent on the variable. The variable....
Kamand Kojouri
All I need to dois place my pen against paperand your lovewrites for me.
Anjum Choudhary
You cannot free someonewho is caged intheir own self.
Anjum Choudhary
I am no one's to be claimed,I belong to me.
Anjum Choudhary
I was lost for too longbut when i found you,i could feel it in my bones.You were my home.
Kamand Kojouri
Reading poetry is like undressing before a bath. You don't undress out of fear that your clothes will....
Kamand Kojouri
These poems are cupsthat I pour my life into.Here, Drink!
Kamand Kojouri
I spent all nightweaving a poem for you to wear. You look so beautifulwhen you wear my light.
Anjum Choudhary
I stopped losing my sleep over you...Now i lie awakein search of me!!
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