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Tag - politic
Quotes Tagged With :politic
Greg Sargent
In other words, the Bannonite belief in disruption as an end in itself renders impossible any self-scrutiny....
Naomi Novik
I do not know that the Chinese system is any worse; there is a limit to the evil one despot alone can....
The only stable state is the one in which all men are equal before the law.
Ernesto Che Guevara
Hay que ser duro pero jamas perder la ternura.[It is necessary to be hard but never to lose the tenderness]....
Aldous Huxley
Universal happiness keeps the wheels steadily turning; truth and beauty can't. And, of course, whenever....
David Hume
I am apt, however, to entertain a Suspicion, that the World is still too young to fix any general stable....
Roger Trinquier
Warfare is now an interlocking system of actions—political, economic,psychological, military—that....
Itō Hirobumi
Even if you succeed in study and business, if your nation collapses, then what good is it for?
E. L. Doctorow
Like art and politics, gangsterism is a very important avenue of assimilation into society.
George Orwell
There was a direct intimate connection between chastity and political orthodoxy. For how could the fear,....
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