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Tag - postcolonialism
Quotes Tagged With :postcolonialism
Chinua Achebe
...she was sensitive enough and intelligent enough to understand, and her literary education could not....
Namsoon Kang
Although I believe identity politics '"produces limited but real empowerment for its participants," it....
Tayeb Salih
As best I could I had answered their many questions. They were surprised when I told them that Europeans....
Namsoon Kang
Walter Mignolo terms and articulates _critical cosmopolitanism, juxtaposing it with globalization, which....
Alexander McCall Smith
Everything, all those great things, had happened so far away--or so it seemed to [Mma Ramotswe] at the....
Catherine Keller
The abiding western dominology can with religion sanction identify anything dark, profound, or fluid....
Arundhati Roy
As for the third Official Reason: exposing Western Hypocrisy - how much more exposed can they be? Which....
Lena Hussain
Cleverness have no meanings until you find the stupidity that teach you.
Frantz Fanon
Taking the continent as a whole, this religious tension may be responsible for the revival of the commonest....
Tayeb Salih
I heard Mansour say to Richard, ‘You transmitted to us the disease of your capitalist economy. What....
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