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Tag - pounding
Quotes Tagged With :pounding
Anthony T. Hincks
Listen to the sadness,the echoes in my mind,the place where I usually hide,but now I cannot find.Why....
Laurie Halse Anderson
Could he hear my heart pounding?
Nithin Purple
Ah! listen the song of storm from my disturbed soul;and it scatters flower buds into its lonely halls;like....
Darren Hardy
The Compound Effect is the principle of reaping huge rewards from a series of small, smart choices
Manoj Arora
When it comes to compounding, don't trust your intuition - you have no idea how powerful it is.
Bryant McGill
Because we are always growing, life compounds and magnifies what is already in us. If you are miserable....
Munia Khan
Sealing your lips makes your eyes talk Truth creeps beneath your lame feet’s walk Knees stiffen when....
Bryant McGill
Because we are always growing, life compounds and magnifies what is already in us.
Manoj Arora
Money Compounding is one concept that does not hit you unless your stars are aligned
Nithin Purple
The thick baffling blades of false world customs rip off my views and ideas,like breaking every string....
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