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Tag - predestination
Quotes Tagged With :predestination
C.S. Lewis
The whole struggle was over, and yet there seemed to have been no moment of victory. You might say, if....
Wilkie Collins
Destiny has got the rope round my neck – and I feel it.
Peter Kreeft
It is the Godfather, not God the Father, who makes you an offer you can’t refuse.
Bangambiki Habyarimana
I believe in fatalism, the positive one.
Toba Beta
Free Will : "I made you think so."Predestination: "I knew you had to.
Stevan V. Nikolic
I think that both our lives and the potential directions our lives may go are predestined. By using....
Bangambiki Habyarimana
If free will means to do what you want, then it does not exist. Many of its staunchest proponents have....
Toba Beta
Free-will followers should learn more about "somebody's bitch".Predestination followers should learn....
Johnny Rich
I may not be free, but I’m not about to surrender the illusion of choice.
Bruce Crown
A perfect example, in matters of life and death, of love and passion, of choice or destiny; options decrease....
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