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Tag - primate
Quotes Tagged With :primate
Susan Block
Though bonobos tend to be a lot hairier than us—and they don’t build houses or churches or Pentagons....
Henry Fairfield Osborn
No existing form of anthropoid ape is even remotely related to the stock which has given rise to man.....
Carl Sagan
Washburn has reported that infant baboons and other young primates appear to be born with only three....
Carl Sagan
Our probable ancestors, Homo erectus and Homo habilis -now extinct- are classified as of the same genus....
Jacob M. Appel
A century ago, people laughed at the notion that we were descended from monkeys. Today, the individuals....
Carl Sagan
Why are there no nonhuman primates with an existing complex gestural language? One possible answer, it....
Suzy Kassem
Much of human behavior can be explained by watching the wild beasts around us. They are constantly teaching....
Robert Anton Wilson
Getting even was the basis of many primate semantic confusions, such as"expropriating the expropriators,"....
Will Cuppy
Never call anyone a baboon unless you are sure of your facts.
Suzy Kassem
When gorillas smell danger, they run around and call out to the rest of the primates in the jungle to....
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