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Tag - progressivism
Quotes Tagged With :progressivism
A.E. Samaan
Socialists and Progressives confuse compassion and compulsion.
A.E. Samaan
You can either have individual liberty, or dependence on the government. One is designed to undo the....
A.E. Samaan
The right to "liberty" and "pursuit" of happiness is incompatible with a government that makes choices....
Eric Hoffer
Even the sober desire for progress is sustained by faith—faith in the intrinsic goodness of human nature....
Eric Hobsbawm
But a progressive policy needs more than just a bigger break with the economic and moral assumptions....
Stephen L. Carter
To Tom, the march of technology was equivalent to the march of civilization.
A.E. Samaan
Nine out of ten eugenicists in the 20th Century were also Progressives or Socialists, as central to the....
A.E. Samaan
Legislating morality grows big government immensely, and helps fashion the noose the government will....
A.E. Samaan
There were several key American scientists that favorably reported on Nazi eugenics after visiting Hitler's....
Eric Hobsbawm
The test of a progressive policy is not private but public, not just rising income and consumption for....
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