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Tag - prophecies
Quotes Tagged With :prophecies
Samuel R. Delany
Do you follow the wrestling? Most people think it's illegal, but you can watch it there. Ruby and Python....
Neil deGrasse Tyson
The urge to want some bit of information to be true often clouds our ability to assess why that information....
E.A. Bucchianeri
... the reader is probably wondering that if Tolkien did indeed fashion two of his heroic characters....
Nenia Campbell
In trials of ir'n and silver fain“The dead will rise and walk again“The blesséd few that touch the....
China Miéville
A promise fulfilled may be a classic moment, but prophecies mean anticlimax. How much more awesome was....
Suzanne Collins
If Under fell, if Over leaped,If death was life and Death life reaped,Something rises from the gloom,To....
Suzanne Collins
Warmblood now a bloodborne death,Will rob your body of it's breathMark your skin and seal your fate The....
Christopher Hopper
He who lives for nothing costs the lives of many, but he who lives for something greater than himself....
Anne Rice
Ah, but prophecies have a way of fulfilling themselves,' Khayman said. 'That's the magic of it. We all....
Cyndi Goodgame
To know one's future is the single most destructive way of ending your life before you've lived it."....
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