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Tag - rachel
Quotes Tagged With :rachel
Rachel Hawkins
Right. So no plans at all then?"Jenna frowned. "Other than rocking in the fetal position for a while?""Yeah,....
Rachel Vincent
But wanting something didn't give one the right to have it.
Katie McGarry
Rachel wiggles in my hold. “You’re stro
Kathryn Holmes
Luke said that he was surprised when I showed up at his room. That he hadn’t meant to give me the wrong....
Katie McGarry
There’s a power I only feel when I’m with Isaiah. A boldness I’ve never possessed in my life. Never....
Rachel Vincent
Shoving aside fear and self-doubt, I met his eyes, aiming for absolute confidence in both my stance and....
Rachel Caine
Afternoons are hard. Mornings are pure evil from the pits of hell, which is why I don't do them anymore.....
Rachel Vincent
He was beyond gorgeous. But Eastlake High was full of pretty people who acted like total freaks. I blame....
Rachel Hawkins
I wish we could go to the mo
Rachel Cohn
The Beatles.”“What about The Beatles?”“They nailed it.”“Nailed what?”“Everything.”“What....
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