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Tag - radiance
Quotes Tagged With :radiance
Stephanie Danler
The city was radiant and I felt untouchable.
Ella Leya
My fingers traced the melody on an invisible keyboard—my usual way to connect with the music, to feel....
Curtis Tyrone Jones
Live in the shadow of the moon until you're bright enough to give birth to your own suns.
Toba Beta
In the beginning..when ray and day hadn't yet come into existence at all, there was a kind of radiance....
Melissa Bashardoust
Every time you shudder from the cold or wrap yourself more tightly in your furs, it reminds me that somewhere,....
F. Scott Fitzgerald
The sheath that held her soul had assumed significance - that was all. She was a sun, radiant, growing,....
John Donne
Up then, fair phoenix bride, frustrate the sun;Thyself from thine affectionTakest warmth enough, and....
Angie karan
Like the unfolding of a rose, allow your authentic self to grow, bloom and emerge.... shine in your radiance....
Jay Woodman
We have the greatest power through love that can be known. It overcomes everything with its fierce and....
Donna Tartt
Even now I remember those pictures, like pictures in a storybook one loved as a child. Radiant meadows,....
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