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Tag - ragging
Quotes Tagged With :ragging
Criss Jami
Hopefully, when your actions and deeds - and therefore other people - boast for you, you're made tired....
Donna Lynn Hope
Not only are the poorest people the most generous but they don't expect anything in return, least of....
James A. Owen
It ain't bragging if you've done it. There's nothing wrong with being proud of doing something well.....
Jessica Hagy
Your greatest accomplishments, no matter how impressive you think them to be, are some else's worst nightmare.....
Harold Holzer
Lincoln jibed that a general INVADED Canada without resistance and out-vaded it without pursuit.
Nassim Nicholas Taleb
What organized dating sites fail to understand is that the people are far more interesting in what they....
Richmond Akhigbe
Some thoughts are like old piece of belongings that need to be disposed to move on.
William Shakespeare
Who knows himself a braggart, let him fear this, for it will come to pass that every braggart shall be....
Criss Jami
After awhile you realize that putting your actions where your mouth is makes you less likely to have....
Donna Lynn Hope
How different would people act if they couldn't show off on social media? Would they still do it?
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