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Tag - railway
Quotes Tagged With :railway
Paul Theroux
And yet on that bench at Jacobacci, I was glad I had left everyone else behind. Although this was a town....
John Bloomfield Jervis
The operating management, providing as it does for the care of near thirty thousand miles of railway,....
Olga Tokarczuk
When you're traveling you need to take care of yourself to get by, you have to keep an eye on yourself....
Dick Allen
Once upon a time,there was a Zen signat every small railway crossing in AmericaStop. Look. And listen.....
Israelmore Ayivor
What happens when a leader misses his steps on the ladder is what happens when a train misses the rail.....
China Miéville
Houses built on bridges are scandals. A bridge wants to not be. If it could choose its shape, a bridge....
William Clark
Boys, be ambitious. Be ambitious not for money, not for selfish aggrandizement, not for the evanescent....
David Barrett
If you can't change it don't worry about it.
Simon Bradley
Conversations were struck up between strangers, regular diners as well as infrequent customers, as if....
Hilaire Belloc
You know (to adopt the easy or conversational style) that you and I belong to a happy minority. We are....
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