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Tag - rap
Quotes Tagged With :rap
Erica O'Rourke
People spot a big black lens, and they worry about what they're doing, or how their hair looks. Nobody....
David Joseph Cribbin
I was born with my eyes turned inward.
Kayla Krantz
That’s what he is—a snake, a dangerous predator—and here I am, a mouse…waiting to be devoured.Luna....
Nuno Roque
Pop is about speaking everybody's language. The imagery and iconography we instantly recognize. When....
Jon Krakauer
I [Lorna Craig] would say that teaching a girl that her salvation depends on her having sexual relations....
Joe McNally
You’ve gotta taste the light, like my friend and fellow shooter Chip Maury says. And when you see light....
Georges F. Doriot
A popular Harvard business professor urged his students to read the obituaries in the New York Times....
Thisuri Wanniarachchi
Most parents try really hard to give their kids the best possible life. They give them the best food....
Marc Bloch
Thenceforth they thought that, rationally concluded, doubt could become an instrument of knowledge.
Bill Collins
Just because you can, doesn't necessarily mean that you should!
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