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Tag - reasoning
Quotes Tagged With :reasoning
Israelmore Ayivor
The main reason why God gave us imaginations is to allow us to have a specific power that can help us....
Abhijit Naskar
Salvation of human life requires disclosure of truth through reason, surpassing bigotry.
Henrietta Newton Martin -Senior Legal Consultant & Author
Interpretation of laws and it's right application in its true spirit is the bedrock of any judicial mechanism....
O.Z. Napaeae
Many were incarcerated with the aberrant prosaic possibilities of ataraxia. Only the mentally sensitive....
Michael P. Naughton
Things don't happen for a reason, we make reasons out of things that happen.
Bob Proctor
Reasoning is the mental tool that use to think with
Kemi Sogunle
Learn the truth...never assume.Understand the plight...never judge.Put yourself in someone's shoes...never....
Vannevar Bush
If scientific reasoning were limited to the logical processes of arithmetic, we should not get very far....
Abhijit Naskar
Faith in God is optional, but faith in the self – in the spirit within, is imperative.
Rachel Hartman
Was it probably true that reasoning beings were equal? It seemed more like a belief than a fact, even....
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