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Tag - recruitment
Quotes Tagged With :recruitment
Drexel Deal
Do you know the reason why fellas liked hanging around me? It is because I made them feel appreciated....
kamil Toume
Hiring should be like dating. A great marriage does not happen in a 30 minutes interview.
Chidiebere Prosper Agbugba
As an applicant, you need to show recruiters that you have the skills, experience and knowledge that....
Bernard Kelvin Clive
The easiest way to obtain an updated version of a candidate's CV is via SocialMedia
Amit Kalantri
Able hands' are more favorable to business than 'adorable hearts'.
Vern Dosch
We can never fall short when it comes to recruiting, hiring, maintaining and growing our workforce. It....
Drexel Deal
You have to respect a person for what he can do, and you can’t judge him to the fella who shoots ten....
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