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Tag - refine
Quotes Tagged With :refine
T.F. Hodge
Every day, strive to refine your contagious shine, and shake the nonsense offered by those who lack the....
Gary Taubes
Cohen testified that there was no 'direct relationship' linking heart disease to dietary fats, and that....
Marian Deegan
Distraction leaches the authenticity out of our communications. When we are not emotionally present,....
Robin Bertram
God sees Himself in the eyes of the refined soul.
Lynn Austin
The war has changed you, too, Caroline. Your faith is stronger, your compassion deeper, your love more....
Raymond Chandler
I believe...that to be very poor and very beautiful is most probably a moral failure more than an artistic....
Fiona Thrust
There we were, filled with pure animal need, as he pinned me to the wooden table, and cruelly whipped....
Steve Maraboli
I have come to believe that our innate purpose is nothing more than to be the greatest version of ourselves.....
Francine Rivers
Lord, you are God! You made us. Who better to know how to fix us when we've gone wrong? who better to....
The Sieves of time, filter out the fakes from the real.Don't look back for them, they were filtered out....
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