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Tag - reflecting
Quotes Tagged With :reflecting
Munia Khan
Every joy is like a piece of mirror: always reflecting..
Sometimes, one needs another pair of eyes to see things clearly.
Francis Picabia
Knowledge is ancient error reflecting on its youth.
Kilroy J. Oldster
Life presents innumerable possibilities for love, friendship, compassion, and self-fulfillment, but we....
Kilroy J. Oldster
Reality does not create the entire womb of human life. We have eyes that witness truth and beauty. We....
Kilroy J. Oldster
Engaging in meditative self-reflection and gaining increased control of inner experiences provides a....
Hillary DePiano
MOTHER TIME: Every New Year is the same. Every day, every second is too for that matter. But when we....
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
We look back on our life as a thing of broken pieces, because our mistakes and failures are always the....
Sunday Adelaja
Our goal is to reflect the Kingdom of God
Ray Lamontagne
Now the wren has gone to roost and the sky is turnin' goldAnd like the sky my soul is also turnin'Turnin'....
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