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Tag - relegion
Quotes Tagged With :relegion
Anthony de Mello
These things will destroy the human race: politics without principle, progress without compassion, wealth....
Agatha Christie
She looked at them with shining eyes. Her chin went up. She said: "You regard it as impossible that a....
A Gentlemen
MIGHT, something God only has.
Tanveer Hossain Mullick
When we all are already Traveling In Meridian of Earth \↑/ .... then how it could be possible for us,....
James C. Campbell
Our United States "State religion" has become Secular Humanism which has no "separation from the State.....
Vadim Zeland
Why do people kill others just like them with such ferocity simply because they worship a different god?....
Dennis Sharpe
Jehovah’s Witness? Don’t sweat it. I’m going to hell, already booked my ticket. Bright side? I’m....
Howard Zinn
How can you have a war on terrorism while war itself is terrorism!
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