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Tag - repression
Quotes Tagged With :repression
Vasily Grossman
The hide was being flayed off the still living body of the Revolution so that a new age could slip in....
Marjane Satrapi
When we're afraid, we lose all sense of analysis and reflection. Our fear paralyzes us. Besides, fear....
Leon Trotsky
With all due respect to all philistines, the dictatorship of the proletariat does just consist in "giving....
Wilhelm Reich
Thus we arrive at the problem of the relation of religion to the negation of sexual desire. Sexual debility....
Bryant McGill
Your love for beauty has been perverted, repressed and savaged by hateful and controlling elements in....
Alexander Lowen
While the repression of a memory is a psychological process, the suppression of feeling is accomplished....
Tom Robbins
...ideas are definitely unstable, they not only CAN be misused, they invite misuse--and the better the....
Aminatta Forna
Yet what use against the deceit of a state are the memories of a child?
Andrew James Pritchard
-The very absence of the freedom to criticise against your own or any other government is all the more....
Christopher Hitchens
As the many male victims of rape in the regime's disgusting jails can testify, this state-run pathology....
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