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Tag - research
Quotes Tagged With :research
John Eccles
A board constituted as the board of Sydney Hospital is constituted is not a suitable body to have control....
Sara Sheridan
I love writing, and just as much, I love undertaking research.
Steven Magee
Like many people who became sick, I found that researching man-made radiation immersed me into a corporate....
Tim Holden
We should be increasing research and development into our fossil fuel program.
Laurel Clark
I've always enjoyed traveling and having experience with different cultures and different people. But....
Lisa Murkowski
You've got to move us to these technologies that allow us to get to the clean-energy source. If we can't....
Criss Jami
The only sort of pride that may serve a man well on that rarest occasion is his hatred of being wrong.....
Cordelia Fine
In the statistical gargon used in psychology, p refers to the probability that the difference you see....
Neil Armstrong
In much of society, research means to investigate something you do not know or understand.
Walter Lord
It's a funny thing, but today the Titanic is probably much more - that is people are much more aware....
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