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Tag - resign
Quotes Tagged With :resign
New England Primer
Job feels the rod Yet blesses God.
Joe Abercrombie
I've made peace with myself.Good for you. That's the hardest war of all to win.Didn't say I won. Just....
Kij Johnson
If {Death} comes for you?” he said. “Would you be so sanguine then?” She laughed and the pensiveness....
Mario Benedetti
La verdad, es que en el fondo soy un fatalista. Si a uno le llega la hora, da lo mismo un Boeing que....
Kohta Hirano
Resignation is what kills people. Once they've rejected resignation, humans gain the privilege of making....
Kamand Kojouri
You think I'm giving up. I'm not. I'm giving in.
Huey P. Newton
The first lesson a revolutionary must learn is that he is a doomed man.
Olaf Stapledon
Even if the powers destroy us," he said, "who are we, to condemn them? As well might a fleeting word....
Pink Floyd
I took a heavenly ride through our silenceI knew the moment had arrivedFor killing the past and coming....
Ursula K. Le Guin
But she knew, though very vaguely, that she was crying, because hope hurts terribly when it breaks through....
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