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Tag - riders
Quotes Tagged With :riders
Ava Richardson
Dragons have wild hearts that need the open sky
Deborah Blake
Do you want to tell me what you're doing up here in the middle of the woods?" He gazed at her milky white....
Deborah Blake
Guilt can be a very destructive emotion.
Murfi (MyMan)
Travel is my worldSex is natureLove is life
Nadeem v Abdu
Night is my time...am not a vampire but i am a Night Rider....!
Deborah Blake
If you're still hungry, I could probably find some nice roots by the riverbank we passed," Mick teased.....
Deborah Blake
They sat in silence for a moment. Then Jenna said," The son of a god, huh? That explains a lot." He raised....
Deborah Blake
A bedraggled woman stood on his doorstep in the pouring rain, and his first impulse was to slam the door....
Deborah Blake
In the middle of the night, she'd woken up with a memory of her grandmother's voice ringing in her ears.....
Deborah Blake
Day gazed out at the sky, where a shooting star was winging across the heavens. "I stepped in between....
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