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Tag - rika
Quotes Tagged With :rika
Penelope Douglas
It’s just you, Little Monster. Own it or it will own you.
Balajinnatha Pandita
Kashmir Shaivism also developed an integrated and effective method of spiritual practice that includes....
Mirella Muffarotto
I’ve always liked you, from the first moment I saw you at the Pigafetta Stadium.” He kept his distance....
Erika Gardner
A miracle is no less glorious for having previously happened
Rick Yancey
Ten thousand years to build civilization, ten months to tear it down, and each day lasted ten times longer....
Rick Yancey
In the early days, it was nearly omnipresent, a constant background noise, like the hum of traffic on....
Ryohgo Narita
Reality is such a pain. Those of us who were fed up with that kind of reality decided to remake it. We’d....
Sol Luckman
I wouldn’t be caught dead sacrificing myself for this country.
Mirella Muffarotto
I love everything about you. And I’ve felt that way for such a long time that it could last forever.....
Melissa Marr
Sionnach smiled in the way of the falsely modest and added, "Forgive me for not standing, but I can't....
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