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Tag - romanticism
Quotes Tagged With :romanticism
Anaïs Nin
Dr Allendy said that it was necessary to become equal to life, that the romantic was defeated by life,....
Richard Brookhiser
The lightheaded and the fashionable are always willing to shed tears for distant underdogs.
Erol Ozan
When you fall in love, you land on a cloud.
Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau
In Romanticism, the main determinant is the mood, the atmosphere. And in that regard, you could also....
Robert J. Crane
I tried not to stare at his body because I already knew it was good. Instead I focused on his eyes.
Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Ah youth, youth! That's what happens when you go steeping your soul into Shakespeare
Andrew Louth
The individualism of the Romantic theory of interpretation attempts to abstract the individual from his....
A.S.J. Tessimond
He is in love with the land that is always overThe next hill and the next, with the bird that is never,Caught,....
Laney Smith
He firmly pulled her body against his and he brushed her lips with his. Staring into her eyes, he lightly....
Ludwig von Mises
Romanticism is man's revolt against reason, as well as against the condition under which nature has compelled....
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