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Tag - rugby
Quotes Tagged With :rugby
Amy Andrews
So, let me get this right.” He braked at a traffic light and yanked at the edges of his bow tie, reefing....
Amy Andrews
Did you jack off last night?”He swallowed, his throat undulating against her lips. “No.” “Really?”....
Archie Henderson
Archie Henderson has won no awards, written no books and never played any representative sport. He was....
Amy Andrews
Ryder cocked an eyebrow. “So that’s how you get men do your bidding.”She laughed, still looking....
Amy Andrews
The car was some kind of Porsche and the door stood open and beckoning, like a gold embossed invitation....
Amy Andrews
So you know how to ride a horse and muster and...stuff.”He laughed. “Yes. I know how to do stuff.”....
Amy Andrews
This was Linc at his most elemental. This was cave man stuff. Potently male. Potently virile. Hot. As.....
Amy Andrews
It was the kind of mouth that should only be found on angels. Chick angels.
Amy Andrews
Trying to Jedi mind trick the towel into falling off me won’t work. You’re a rugby player not Luke....
Amy Andrews
He’s obviously very well trained. He’s probably just confused about being handed around a bit and....
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