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Tag - rune
Quotes Tagged With :rune
Wynter Wilkins
A red veil covers the room as walls, which flow but do not stand. Screams echo from every stone. Incense....
Christine Brodien-Jones
Going by Dr. Marriott's description, Zoe imagined it to be small and elegant as she peered into dozens....
Denny Taylor
This is the starting point, Daisy had said. It's the symbol for self. Its essence is water. Your relationship....
Mara Amberly
The knife; tool of the Thief, Skeben. I believe this is a mark of the prisoner’s guilt.”There was....
Deva Fagan
Our words were a shaky ladder; all I could do was climb, uncertain if I was about to surmount a glorious....
Villiers de L'Isle-Adam
Brunettes are full of electricity.
Sara Wolf
The waitress scuttles away, and I make a shooing motion at the old couple who’re still glaring. “Don’t....
William Hjortsberg
Her wavy, shoulder-length hair was the colour of polished mahogany.
Always resist the temptation to forget the painful parts of your past.
Khang Kijarro Nguyen
Prune the ill branches so that a tree grows.Prune the dilapidated buildings so that a city flourishes.....
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