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Tag - russel
Quotes Tagged With :russel
Alex Morritt
If the surprise outcome of the recent UK referendum - on whether to leave or remain in the European Union....
Bertrand Russell
All that alcohol does for them is to liberate the sense of sin, which reason suppresses in saner moments.....
Laura Anderson Kurk
I worried I would miss it, and I knew, from losing Wyatt, that things happen the moment the soul is released.....
Laurie R. King
XVXVI, or 10-5-10-5-1, yielded H-E-H-E-A, which, unless she wanted to show her derisive laughter, made....
Bertand Russell
Throughout the Middle Ages, Jews had no part in the culture of Christian countries, and were too severely....
Bertrand Russell
It is the preoccupation with possessions, more than anything else, that prevents us from living freely....
Red Auerbach
Who could better motivate Bill Russell than Bill Russell?
Thomas Henry Huxley
The facts of variability, of the struggle for existence, of adaptation to conditions, were notorious....
Ken Russell
In childhood we inhabit a world of wonderful contrasts that later we often come to see as bizarre and....
Laura Anderson Kurk
Let’s go to town,” Jo said. “Take me to eat dinner at the hotel.”I sucked in a breath and stared....
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