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Tag - ryiah
Quotes Tagged With :ryiah
Rachel E. Carter
So how did you do it? What makes the cold-hearted princeling mortal like the rest of us?
Rachel E. Carter
Darren wasn’t darkness, and I wasn’t his light.
Rachel E. Carter
Anything for Byron’s least favorite apprentice. It’s the least I can do since you took over my torch.....
Rachel E. Carter
Love Darren? Of course not. Love is for fools not smart enough to see the path in front of them. That’s....
Rachel E. Carter
Someday, Ry, you are going to realize who Darren really is. He’s a prince, and he’s only going to....
Rachel E. Carter
That somehow, this insufferable girl would become the one person I am forever, hopelessly, madly drawn....
Rachel E. Carter
You can be a great man and still be a fool. Many of our country’s leaders can attest to that. Were....
Rachel E. Carter
The irony was that my real enemy had been there all along right in front of me. Smiling crookedly and....
Rachel E. Carter
I don’t need another ‘adversity builds character’ speech, Darren. That man is a chauvinistic pig.....
Rachel E. Carter
Well done, Darren!” Master Byron was full of praise for the prince. “What did you use to cast it?”Darren’s....
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