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Tag - sacrificing
Quotes Tagged With :sacrificing
Craig D. Lounsbrough
If sacrifice is not the theme of my life, there’s no sense telling the story.
Dada Bhagwan
In the act of selfishness, you bind demerit karma and in the act of sacrificing your own self-interest....
Craig D. Lounsbrough
If I have attached anything to sacrifice other than loss, I have at some level assumed a pay-off. And....
Craig D. Lounsbrough
To be ignorant of the sacrifices of others that yielded the blessings I enjoy leaves me exchanging the....
Craig D. Lounsbrough
The eyes of love have 20/20 vision when focused on another, and become entirely blind when focused on....
Craig D. Lounsbrough
If I am not touching a life, I am not touching life.
Craig D. Lounsbrough
Whatever the item is that I have chosen to give you, it is nothing more than the receptacle within which....
Craig D. Lounsbrough
Discerning the difference between a dictator and a leader is quite easy. The former cannot help but see....
Craig D. Lounsbrough
The difference between a ‘man’ and a ‘father’ is that the former shares his genes, but latter....
Craig D. Lounsbrough
An idea without sacrifice, regardless of grand it might be, will never be anything more than an idea.....
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