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Tag - said
Quotes Tagged With :said
Kamand Kojouri
I was mistaken when I said you live in my heart. How absurd I was when you live in my fingertips so that....
Benjamin Franklin
In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.
Preeth Nambiar
Yet, the most wonderful in my heart remains unsaid and it will remain so forever!
Kimama Aoboshi
I'm going to be a person who writes stories.I never told mom and dad how much I loved them.I wanna be....
Tyler Knight
The things left unsaid to people we care about, and the void those unspoken words leave, often have more....
Mina Marial Nicoli
Be careful that you do not misjudge or underestimate this man. He is more than he seems and less than....
Laurence Tribe
The Second Amendment does protect the right to people to possess weapons for self-defense in the home.....
Amy Lee
Whether it's a relationship or what you're wearing, or how much you weigh and what you said when you....
Caleb Cushing
The right of petition, I have said, was not conferred on the People by the Constitution, but was a pre-existing....
Anthony T. Hincks
Before you open your mouth to say something, take a step back and imagine what you're going to say was....
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