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Tag - sama
Quotes Tagged With :sama
Joseph P. Kauffman
Everything exists as information in a field of infinite possibilities, and it is our Consciousness that....
Mark Owen
I had no idea if the photos [of Osama bin Laden's dead body] would ever be made public, and I didn't....
Samantha Towle
Pain of the past never goes away, you just find a way to deal with it. And in the future....... all the....
Bill Maher
New Rule: The White House doesn't have to release the dead Bin Laden photos, but don't pretend we can't....
Dada Bhagwan
The path people know, is not the path of liberation. It is the path of the worldly life. The path of....
Samantha Towle
He gave me the one thing he's never given to anyone before..He gave me his heart, and his trust.And in....
Richelle E. Goodrich
At times we feel outnumbered in our attempts to improve the world—to brighten and beautify, to preserve....
Jarett Sabirsh
everyone and everything a fluid living seaUniversal Consciousness as both you and mebeing in rapturous....
Tony Samara
The Beloved is Always There, Actively Seeking You.
Joseph P. Kauffman
We are only able to disrespect, mistreat, and harm one another when we forget that the other person is....
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