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Tag - scapegoat
Quotes Tagged With :scapegoat
Julia Serano
The hardest part has been learning how to take myself seriously when the entire world is constantly telling....
Sue Detweiler
We all need role models in different seasons, people we look to who bring encouragement for the journey.....
Joanne Harris
As she grew older, Maddy discovered that she had disappointed almost everyone. An awkward girl with a....
Dwight D. Eisenhower
The search for a scapegoat is the easiest of all hunting expeditions.
Christopher Hitchens
I find something repulsive about the idea of vicarious redemption. I would not throw my numberless sins....
No one loves the messenger who brings bad news.
Leo Tolstoy
It's too easy to criticize a man when he's out of favour, and to make him shoulder the blame for everybody....
Frank Herbert
Democracy is susceptible to being led astray by having scapegoats paraded in front of the electorate.....
Michael Bassey Johnson
Things you don't need in your life targets you the most.
Susan Forward
Perfectionist parents seem to operate under the illusion that if they can just get their children to....
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